![Prevention travel surgical Hygienic face mask and Alcohol gel Sanitizer hand gel cleaners for anti Bacteria and virus, People using alcohol gel to wash hands to prevent corona virus [COVID-19 virus]](https://better-hearing-and-audiology-llc-v1741626135.websitepro-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/GettyImages-1215279833-scaled.jpg)
Who would have thought that one day the most popular accessory trend in the world was going to be masks? Masks are being worn into the grocery store, church, and even banks. Even though masks have become the new world trend, not everyone has jumped onto the bandwagon. Even I will admit to taking the mask off when I go to sleep. However, you can be sure that the crew at Better Hearing & Audiology will always have masks on. This can make it hard for those who read lips. If you are one of these types of people, don’t worry! We also have face shields so that our lips can be visible to you. We will do all that we can to make sure the experience here is safe and sound.
Imagine going to a fancy restaurant, sitting down at your table, and seeing the last person’s food remnants still smeared across what is going to be your plate. Most people would decide that the left-overs in the fridge at home would actually be just fine. Unfortunately, most people don’t have left-over hearing services in their fridge. This being the case, we make sure that every time someone comes into our office the rooms—and the doctors—are clean and sanitized. In between every patient, we make sure that every surface is cleaned. We also have sanitization stations at the front of our offices. We are continuing to have our Comfort Menu in a modified way. We are doing our best to keep a fun, warm, and clean atmosphere. Oh, and just for the record, our doctors were always clean before COVID, but it doesn’t hurt to be extra safe and sound these days, right?
It has been so hard to try and apply social distancing in our office. Back in the day, our office was the place to be; music and flashing lights could be heard and seen for miles. But, we all must make sacrifices. We took down our disco ball, and removed a few chairs from the waiting room to provide more space. We also have the option to wait in your car until the moment of the appointment. Curbside hearing aid cleanings are available as well. We have also thoroughly trained our staff to refrain from hugging and handshakes, and the “elbow bump” has become standard. Even with all these changes in our office, I can assure you that it is still a party every day here. We are as warm and friendly as ever; it is just in a way that is safe and sound.
Truth be Told
Bottom line is: we love our patients, and we are doing all that we can to make our office as safe and sound as possible.